Business & Community Engagement Committee Chairs

Committee Chair, Melissa Kilmer
Melissa moved to Pittsburgh from Ohio to pursue an Art degree. After graduating in 2002, she pursued portrait photography and had a photography studio on Brookline Blvd for 10 years, where she became involved with the Brookline Chamber of Commerce. Over the years, while raising her 4 kids in Brookline, she realized she has a passion for community and supporting the local economy. As the Chamber became Brookline Together, she took on larger roles within the organization. After all, if you want to have a great neighborhood, you need to roll your sleeves up and do what has to be done to create the community you want to raise your family in. She has helped to bring several new events to the Brookline community, including Food Truck Tuesdays and Farm Market Sundays, while organizing membership and other inherited events like Breezefest. With the ever-changing landscape in the art world and the recent pandemic, she has since closed the photo studio but still offers photography part-time while working additionally with Waterfall Catering and Cherry Valley Organics.